The Two Year Reading Plan for Lutheran

Start a Bible reading plan today!

Hither are some options:

This link to the WELS website takes you through the Bible in a yr (Read or listen to a podcast)

CLICK HERE for a chronological reading program...

Online Bible reading resources that we've institute helpful...

Offers lots of Bible apps for your smartphone

Allows you to customize your own Bible reading plan, and have the readings emailed to yous daily!

The timeless truth of God's Discussion delivered through every kind of digital media

Other Suggested Resources...

The Gospel of John (The Movie)
Hands downwardly the best word-for-discussion drammatization of a Bible book that we've plant CLICK HERE for more info

Today's Light Bible
(The entire Bible in daily sections with focused intro and follow-up reflection – highly recommended!  CLICK HERE for more than info)

ESV Lutheran Written report Bible (Bible with solid, extensive notes for personal study CLICK HERE for more info)

The Jesus Storybook Bible  (Great for families with children!)

Bible Stories for School and Dwelling house (Written for children in grades one through 4, 102 easy-to-read, illustrated accounts from the cosmos in Genesis through the life of Jesus Christ in the Gospels).  CLICK HERE for more info

The People's Bible Commentary Series CLICK HERE for more than info

For a slightly more challenging schedule, follow this programme through the entire Bible in a year, reading the near important parts twice (Scroll downward to run into a total schedule of daily reading with hotlinks).

Ge Jdg 1Ch Ps (2) Lam (2) Ob (two) Hag (2) Jn (two) Eph (2) 2Tm (2) 2Pe (two)
Ex Ru 2Ch Pr (2) Ezk (two) Jnh (2) Zec (2) Air conditioning Php (2) Tit (2) 1Jn (ii)
Lv 1Sa Ezr (2) Ecc (2) Dan (2) Mic (ii) Mal (two) Ro (2) Col (2) Phm 2Jn
Nu 2Sa Neh (2) SS (2) Hos (2) Nah Mt (2) 1Co 1Th Heb 3Jn
Dt 1Kg Est (2) Isa (2) Joel (2) Hab Mk 2Co 2Th Jas (2) Jd (2)
Jos 2Kg Job Jer (ii) Am (2) Zep (ii) Lk (2) Gal (2) 1Tm (two) 1Pe (2_ Rv

            (Alternating Readings: Kings/Chronicles and the post-exilic books may exist read chronologically)

Additional readings offered in biblical theology from the following:

Systematic Theology

This calendar provides a comprehensive review of the Wisconsin Lutheran Seminary Dogmatics Notes:
WLS I = Book I (Theology, Anthropology, Christology)
WLS II = Book II (Soteriology, Eschatology)

Historical Theology
This calendar allows a reading of the entire Book of Concord:
CD = The Creeds
Air-conditioning = Augsburg Confession (Include Apology)
SC = Pocket-sized Catechism
LC = Big Catechsim
SA = Smalcald Articles
FC = Formula of Hold (Include Solid Announcement)
(Alternate Readings: Augsburg Confession  and Smalcald Articles  are read in alternating years.)

Pastoral Theology
This agenda dedicates several days to in-depth study of Pastoral Theology:
ED = Education
HM = Homiletics
WR = Worship
PT = Counseling, Evangelism, Leadership, Etc.


Date Bible Reading I Bible Reading II Aux. Reading Prayers for the Church (Festivals) Personal Prayers (Birthdays, Anniv.)
Jan 1 New year's day's Twenty-four hours
January 2 Mt 1-4 Ps 1,2 WLS I, i-4
Jan 3 Mt 5-7 Ps three-half dozen WLS I, five-8
Jan 4 Mt 8-ix Ps vii-10 WLS I, 9-12
Jan 5 Mt ten Ps xi-xvi WLS I, thirteen-16
Jan 6 Mt eleven,12 Ps 17,xviii WLS I, 17-20
January 7 Mt13 Ps 19-21 WLS I, 21-24
January 8 Mt 14-17 Ps 22-23 WLS I, 25-28
Jan 9 Mt18-twenty Ps 24-27 WLS I, 29-32
Jan 10 Mt 21-23 Ps 28-31 WLS I, 33-36
January 11 Mt 24-25 Ps 32-36 WLS I, 37-40
Jan 12 Mt 26-28 Ps 37-xl WLS I, 41-45
Jan thirteen Mt Review Ps 41-44 WLS I, 46-l
Jan xiv Ge 1,ii Ps 45,46 WLS I, 51-55
Jan 15 Ge three,4 Ps 47-49 WLS I, 56-60
Jan 16 Ge vi-eleven Ps fifty,51 WLS I, 61-65
January 17 Ge 1-xi Review Ps 52-57 WLS I, 66-70
Jan 18 Ge12-xv Ps 58-61 WLS I, 71-75
Jan 19 Ge16-twenty Ps 62-65 WLS I, 76-80
Jan 20 Ge 21-25a Ps 66-68 WLS I, 81-84
Jan 21 Ge 25b-28 Ps 69-71 WLS I, 85-89
Jan 22 Ge 29-33 Ps 72,73 WLS I, 90-94
Jan 23 Ge 34-36, 38 Ps 74-77 WLS I, 95-99
Jan 24 Ge 37, 39-42 Ps 78,79 WLS I, 100-104
Jan 25 Ge 43-46 Ps 80-84 WLS I, 105-108
Jan 26 Ge 47-50 Ps 85-88 WLS I, 109-113
Jan 27 Ex ane-4 Ps 89,90 WLS I, 114-119
Jan 28 Ex 5-8 Ps 91-95 WLS I, 120-123
Jan 29 Ex 9-12 Ps 96-101 WLS I, 124-127
Jan 30 Ex thirteen-16 Ps 102,103 WLS I, 128-131
Jan 31 Ex 17-20 Ps 104-106 WLS I, 132-135


Engagement Bible Reading I Bible Reading 2 Aux. Reading Prayers for the Church (Festivals) Personal Prayers (Birthdays, Anniv.)
Feb 1 Ex 21-24 Ps 107-109 WLS I, 136-140
Feb 2 Ex 25-28 Ps 110-112 WLS I, 141-145
February iii Ex 29-31 Ps 113-116 WLS I, 146-150
Feb three Ex 32-35 Ps 117-118 WLS I, 151-155
Feb 5 Ex 36-xl Ps 119 WLS I, 156-160
Feb half-dozen Ro ane,2 Ps 120-126 WLS I, 161-165
Feb seven Ro 3,4 Ps 127-134 WLS I, 166-170
February 8 Ro 5,6 Ps 135-137 WLS I, 171-175
Feb ix Ro vii,eight Ps 138-140 WLS I, 176-180
Feb ten Ro ix,ten Ps 141-145 WLS I, 181-185
Feb xi Ro 12-xvi Ps 146-150 WLS I, 186-190
Feb 12 Hebrew Reading WLS I, 191-195
February 13 1Co i-3 Pr 10,11 WLS I, 196-200
Feb 14 1Co 4-vii Pr 12,13 WLS I, 201-205
February 15 1Co 8-12 Pr 14,15 WLS I, 206-210
Feb 16 1Co 13-sixteen Pr 16,17 WLS I, 211-213
Feb 17 2Co 1-5 Pr eighteen,19 WLS I, 214-220
Feb eighteen 2Co six-9 Pr twenty,21 WLS I, 221-225
February 19 2Co 10-13 Pr 22-24 WLS I, 226-230
February 20 Lev 1-seven Ps 2,viii,16 WLS I, 231-235
Feb 21 Lev 8-10 Ps 22 WLS I, 236-240
Feb 22 Lev 11-15 Ps 23,24 WLS I, 241-245
February 23 Lev sixteen-19 Ps forty,41 WLS I, 246-250
Feb 24 Lev 20-23 Ps 45,68 WLS I, 251-255
Feb 25 Lev 24-27 Ps 69,72 WLS I, 256-260
Feb 26 Nu 1-5 Ps 89,110 WLS I, 261-265
Feb 27 Nu 6-nine Ps 118 WLS I, 266-270
Feb 28 Nu x-14 Ps 32,102 WLS I, 271-275


Date Bible Reading I Bible Reading II Aux. Reading Prayers for the Church building (Festivals) Personal Prayers (Birthdays, Anniv.)
Mar 1 Nu fifteen-19 Ps 38,vi WLS I, 276-280
Mar two Nu 20-25 Ps 51 WLS I, 281-285
Mar 3 Nu 26-30 Ps 130,143 WLS I, 286-290
Mar 4 Nu 31-36 WLS I, 291-295
Mar 5 Mk one-iv WLS I, 296-300
Mar 6 Mk 5-8 WLS I, 301-305
Mar 7 Mk nine-12 WLS I, 306-310
Mar 8 Mk xiii-16 WLS I, 311-315
Mar 9 Ga i-iii WLS I, 316-320
Mar 10 Ga 4-6 WLS I, 321-325
Mar xi Ep one-3 WLS I, 326-330
Mar 12 Ep four-6 WLS I, 331-335
Mar 13 Dt 1-iv WLS I, 336-340
Mar 14 Dt five-10 WLS I, 341-345
Mar xv Dt 11-xv WLS I, 346-350
Mar sixteen Dt xvi-twenty WLS I, 351-355
Mar 17 Dt 21-25 WLS I, 356-360
Mar 18 Dt 26-28 WLS I, 361-365
Mar 19 Dt 29-34 WLS I, 366-370
Mar 20 Php one-iv WLS I, 371-375
Mar 21 Col i-four WLS I, 376-380
Mar 22 Jos i-vi WLS I, 381-385
Mar 23 Jos seven-12 WLS I, 386-390
Mar 24 Jos xiii-19 WLS I, 391-395
Mar 25 Jos 20-24 Palm Sunday
Mar 26 Jdg one-v Holy Week
Mar 27 Jdg vi-9 Holy Week
Mar 28 Jdg ten-16 Holy Week
Mar 29 Jdg 17-21 Holy Week
Mar 30 Ruth ane-iv Holy Week
Mar 31 Lk 1,2 Holy Week


Date Bible Reading I Bible Reading Ii Aux. Reading Prayers for the Church building (Festivals) Personal Prayers (Birthdays, Anniv.)
Apr one Lk 3-5 Easter Sun
Apr 2 Lk 6-8 WLS I, 396-400
Apr 3 Lk 9-11 WLS I, 401-405
Apr 4 Lk 12-xiv WLS I, 406-410
Apr 5 Lk 15-17 WLS I, 411-415
Apr 6 Lk 18-20 WLS I, 416-420
Apr 7 Lk 21-22 WLS I, 421-425
Apr 8 Lk 23-24 WLS I, 426-430
Apr nine Ac 1-4 WLS I, 431-435
April 10 Ac 5-8 WLS I, 436-440
Apr 11 Ac 9-12 WLS I, 441-445
Apr 12 Air-conditioning 13-16 WLS I, 446-450
Apr 13 Ac 17-20 WLS I, 451-455
April 14 Ac 21-24 WLS I, 456-460
April 15 Ac 25-28 WLS I, 461-465
Apr xvi Heb one-5 WLS I, 466-470
Apr 17 Heb six-x WLS I, 471-475
Apr 18 Heb 11-thirteen WLS I, 476-480
Apr 19 1Pe one-5 WLS I, 481-485
Apr xx 2Pe; Jude WLS I, 486-490
Apr 21 Jas WLS I, 491-494
Apr 22 1Jn 1-3 WLS I, 495-498
April 23 1Jn 4-5; 2Jn, 3Jn WLS I, 499-502
Apr 24 Jn ane-two 503-505, 506
April 25 Jn iii-5 WLS I, 507-510
Apr 26 Jn 6-eight WLS I, 511-514
Apr 27 Jn ix-11 WLS I, 515-518
Apr 28 Jn 12-xiii WLS I, 519-522
Apr 29 Jn 14-xv WLS I, 523-526
Apr 30 John 16-17 WLS I, 527-530


Date Bible Reading I Bible Reading Ii Aux. Reading Prayers for the Church building (Festivals) Personal Prayers (Birthdays, Anniv.)
May 1 Jn eighteen-21 WLS I, 531-534
May two 1Sa 1-7 WLS I, 535-538
May 3 1Sa 8-12 WLS I, 539-542
May 4 1Sa 13-16 WLS I, 543-546
May v 1Sa 17-21 WLS I, 547-550
May 6 1Sa 22-27 WLS I, 551-554
May seven 1Sa 28-31 WLS I, 555-558
May eight 2Sa 1-v WLS I, 559-562
May 9 2Sa 6-10 WLS I, 563-566
May 10 2Sa xi-fifteen WLS I, 567-570
May 11 2Sa sixteen-19 WLS I, 571-574
May 12 2Sa twenty-24 WLS I, 575-578
May 13 1Th WLS I, 579-582
May xiv 2Th WLS I, 583-586
May 15 1Ti 1-3 WLS I, 587-590
May 16 1Ti iv-6 WLS I, 591-594
May 17 2Ti WLS I, 595-598
May 18 Tit; Phm WLS I, 599-602
May 19 Job 1-5 WLS I, 603-606
May 20 Task 6-10 WLS I, 607-610
May 21 Chore 11-17 WLS I, 611-614
May 22 Task 18-24 WLS I, 615-618
May 23 Chore 25-31 WLS I, 619-622
May 24 Job 32-37 WLS I, 623-625
May 25 Task 38-42 WLS I, 626-628
May 26 1Ki 1-5 1Chr 1-nine WLS I, 629-631
May 27 1Ki half dozen-11 1Chr ten-17 WLS I, 632-634
May 28 1Ki 12-16 1Chr xviii-27 WLS I, 635-636
May 29 1Ki 17-22 1Chr 28-29 ED
May 30 2Ki i-seven 1Ki three-v; 2Chr 1,2 ED
May 31 Memorial Twenty-four hour period


Appointment Bible Reading I Bible Reading II Aux. Reading Prayers for the Church building (Festivals) Personal Prayers (Birthdays, Anniv.)
June 1 2 Ki 8-13 1Ki 6-7; 2Chr 3,4 WR
June 2 two Ki 14-20 1Ki eight-11; 2Chr 5-ix WR
June three 2 Ki 21-25 1Ki12-14;2Ch10-12 WR
June 4 one Chr ane-ix 1Ki 15a; 2Chr xiii-xvi PT
June 5 1 Chr x-17 1 Ki 15b-21 PT
June half-dozen 1 Chr 18-24 1Ki 22; 2Chr 17-xx PT
June vii 1 Chr 25-29 1Chr 25-29, 2Ki 1-8 HM
June eight ii Chr 1-9 2Ki 8b-eleven; 2Chr 21-23 HM District Conventions
June 9 Commune Conventions
June ten
June 11 2 Chr 10-xvi 2 Ki 12-fourteen; 2 Chr 24 HM
June 12 2 Chr 17-24 2 Ki 15-17; 2 Chr 26 Air conditioning 1-4 SA 455-462
June 13 ii Chr 25-32 two Ki xviii-xx; 2 Chr 29 Air-conditioning 5-8 SA 463-471
June 14 2Chr 33-36 2 Ki 21-25; ii Chr 33 AC 9-thirteenSA 472-476
June 15 Matthew 1,2 Air-conditioning 14-17SA 477-491
June 16 Matthew 3,iv Air-conditioning xviii-21SA 492-497
June 17 Matthew v AC 22,23 SA498-503
June 18 Matthew 6 AC 24,25 SA504-513
June nineteen Matthew 7 Air conditioning 26,27 SA514-521
June 20 Matthew 8 AC 28 SA 521-529
June 21 Matthew ix AC Review
June 22 Matthew x WLS Ii, ane-6
June 23 Matthew 11 WLS Ii, 7-12
June 24 Matthew 12 WLS II, 13-eighteen
June 25 Matthew 13 WLS II, 19-24 Augsburg Confession
June 26 Matthew 14 WLS Two, 25-30
June 27 Matthew 15 WLS Two, 31-36
June 28 Matthew 16 WLS 2, 37-42
June 29 Matthew 17 WLS II, 43-48
June 30 Matthew 18 WLS II, 49-54


Date Bible Reading I Bible Reading Two Aux. Reading Prayers for the Church building (Festivals) Personal Prayers (Birthdays, Anniv.)
July 1 Matthew nineteen WLS II, 55-60
July 2 Matthew 20 WLS 2, 61-66
July iii Matthew 21 WLS Ii, 67-72
July 4 Independence Day
July 5 Matthew 22 Ps 1 WLS Ii, 73-78
July vi Matthew 23 Ps ii WLS Ii, 79-84
July 7 Matthew 24 Ps 3 WLS 2, 85-90
July 8 Matthew 25 Ps iv WLS II, 91-96
July ix Matthew 26 Ps v WLS Two, 97-102
July 10 Matthew 27 Ps 6 WLS II, 103-108
July xi Matthew 28 Ps vii WLS II, 109-114
July 12 Isaiah 1-three Ps eight WLS II, 115-120
July 13 Isaiah 4-6 Ps 9 WLS II, 121-126
July xiv Isaiah 7-8 Ps 10 WLS II, 127-132
July fifteen Isaiah 9-12 Ps 11 WLS II, 133-138
July sixteen Isaiah thirteen-18 Ps 12 WLS II, 139-144
July 17 Isaiah 19-23 Ps 13 WLS II, 145-150
July 18 Isaiah 24-27 Ps 14 WLS II, 151-156
July xix Isaiah 28-31 Ps xv WLS Ii, 157-162
July 20 Isaiah 32-35 Ps 16 WLS II, 163-168
July 21 Isaiah 36-39 Ps 17 WLS Ii, 169-174
July 22 Isaiah 40-42 Ps 18 WLS 2, 175-180
July 23 Isaiah 43-45 Ps 19 WLS II, 181-186
July 24 Isaiah 46-48 Ps xx WLS II, 187-192
July 25 Isaiah 49,fifty Ps 21 WLS II, 193-198
July 26 Isaiah 51-54 Ps 22 WLS II, 199-204
July 27 Isaiah 55-57 Ps 23 WLS 2, 205-210
July 28 Isaiah 58-60 Ps 24 WLS 2, 211-216
July 29 Isaiah 61-63 Ps 25 WLS II, 217-222
July 30 Isaiah 64-66 Ps 26 WLS Ii, 223-228
July 31 Ephesians 1-iii Ps 27 WLS 2, 229-234


Date Bible Reading I Bible Reading II Aux. Reading Prayers for the Church (Festivals) Personal Prayers (Birthdays, Anniv.)
Aug ane Ephesians 4-6 Ps 28 WLS II, 235-240
Aug two Proverbs 1-iv Ps 29 WLS Ii, 241-246
Aug 3 Proverbs 5-nine Ps 30 WLS II, 247-252
Aug 4 Proverbs 25-27 Ps 31 WLS Two, 253-258
Aug 5 Proverbs 28,29 Ps 32 WLS 2, 259-264
Aug half-dozen Proverbs 31,31 Ps 33 WLS 2, 267-270
Aug seven Vacation
Aug eight Vacation
Aug 9 Vacation
Aug x Vacation
Aug 11 Vacation
Aug 12 Holiday
Aug xiii Holiday
Aug fourteen Vacation
Aug 15 Vacation
Aug sixteen Vacation
Aug 17 Vacation
Aug 18 Vacation
Aug 19 Holiday
Aug 20 Vacation
Aug 21 Romans i Ps 34 WLS II, 271-276
Aug 22 Romans ii Ps 35 WLS II, 277-282
Aug 23 Romans 3 Ps 36 WLS Two, 283-294
Aug 24 Romans 4 Ps 37 WLS Two, 295-300
Aug 25 Romans five Ps 38 WLS II, 301-306
Aug 26 Romans 6 Ps 39 WLS II, 307-312
Aug 27 Romans 7 Ps 40 WLS II, 313-318
Aug 28 Romans 8 Ps 41 WLS Two, 319-324
Aug 29 Romans nine Ps 42 WLS 2, 325-330
Aug 30 Romans 10 Ps 43 WLS Two, 331-336
Aug 31 Romans eleven Ps 44 WLS II, 337-342


Date Bible Reading I Bible Reading Ii Aux. Reading Prayers for the Church (Festivals) Personal Prayers (Birthdays, Anniv.)
Sep 1 Romans 12 Ps 45 WLS II, 343-348
Sep two Romans 13 Ps 46 WLS II, 349-354
Sep 3 Romans fourteen Ps 47 WLS Ii, 355-360
Sep four Romans fifteen Ps 48 WLS II, 361-366
Sep 5 Romans 16 Ps 49 WLS II, 367-372
Sep 6 Labor 24-hour interval
Sep 7 Jeremiah 1-4 Ps 50 WLS Ii, 371-378
Sep 8 Jeremiah v-8 Ps 51 WLS 2, 379-384
Sep nine Jeremiah 9-12 Ps 52 WLS Two, 385-390
Sep 10 Jeremiah thirteen-16 Ps 53 WLS Two, 391-396
Sep 11 Jeremiah 17-xx Ps 54 WLS II, 397-402
Sep 12 Jeremiah 21-24 Ps 55 WLS II, 403-408
Sep thirteen Jeremiah 25-28 Ps 56 WLS Two, 409-414
Sep fourteen Jeremiah 29-32 Ps 57 WLS II, 415-420
Sep 15 Jeremiah 33-36 Ps 58 WLS II, 421-426
Sep 16 Jeremiah 37-43 Ps 59 WLS Ii, 427-432
Sep 17 Jeremiah 44-49 Ps lx WLS II, 433-438
Sep xviii Jeremiah fifty-52 Ps 61 WLS 2, 439-444
Sep 19 Lamentations Ps 62 WLS Two, 445-450
Sep twenty Hebrew Trans. Ps 63 WLS Ii, 451-456
Sep 21 John ane Ps 64 WLS II, 457-462
Sep 22 John 2 Ps 65 WLS II, 463-468
Sep 23 John 3 Ps 66 WLS II, 469-474
Sep 24 John 4 Ps 67 WLS Ii, 475-480
Sep 25 John 5 Ps 68 WLS II, 481-486
Sep 26 John half-dozen Ps 69 WLS II, 487-492
Sep 27 John 7 Ps 70 WLS II, 493-498
Sep 28 John 8 Ps 71 WLS II, 499-504
Sep 29 John 9 Ps 72 WLS II, 505-510
Sep 30 John 10 Ps 73 WLS Ii, 385-390


Engagement Bible Reading I Bible Reading II Aux. Reading Prayers for the Church (Festivals) Personal Prayers (Birthdays, Anniv.)
October 1 John 11 Ps 74 WLS II, 511-516
Oct 2 John 12 Ps 75 WLS Ii, 517-522
Oct 3 John 13 Ps 76 WLS II, 523-528
Oct 4 John xiv Ps 77 WLS Ii, 529-534
Oct 5 John 15 Ps 78 WLS Two, 535-540
October 6 John 16 Ps 79 WLS 2, 541-546
Oct 7 John 17 Ps fourscore WLS II, 547-552
Oct 8 John xviii Ps 81 WLS Ii, 553-558
Oct 9 John 19 Ps 82 WLS Ii, 559-564
October 10 John 20,21 Ps 83 WLS Ii, 565-570
October 11 Ezekiel i-v Ps 84 WLS II, 571-576
October 12 Ezekiel half dozen-xi Ps 85 WLS Ii, 577-582
October 13 Ezekiel 12-15 Ps 86 WLS II, 583-588
Oct xiv Ezekiel 16-xx Ps 87 WLS II, 589-594
Oct 15 Ezekiel 21-24 Ps 88 WLS Two, 595-600
Oct 16 Ezekiel 25-30 Ps 89 WLS II, 601-606
Oct 17 Ezekiel 31-35 Ps 90 WLS II, 607-612
October 18 Ezekiel 36-39 Ps 91 WLS II, 613-618
October 19 Ezekiel twoscore-48 Ps 92 WLS II, 619-624
October 20 Galatians 1-three Ps 93 WLS II, 625-630
October 21 Galatians 4-vi Ps 94 WLS 2, 631-636
Oct 22 Philippians Ps 95 WLS 2, 637-642
Oct 23 Daniel 1-iii Ps 96 WLS II, 643-648
October 24 Daniel 4-vi Ps 97 WLS II, 649-654
Oct 25 Daniel 7-ix Ps 98 WLS II, 655-660
Oct 26 Daniel ten-12 Ps 99 WLS 2, 661-666
Oct 27 ane Timothy Ps 100 WLS Two, 667-672
October 28 2 Timothy; Titus Ps 101 WLS II, 673-678
Oct 29 2 Peter; Jude Ps 102 WLS II, 679-684
October xxx Hosea 1-five Ps 103 WLS Ii, 685-690
October 31 Hosea 6-10 Ps 104 WLS Ii, 691-696 Reformation


Date Bible Reading I Bible Reading II Aux. Reading Prayers for the Church (Festivals) Personal Prayers (Birthdays, Anniv.)
Nov 1 Hosea 11-xiv Ps 105 WLS II, 697-701
Nov ii Joel Ps 106 WLS Two, 701-705
Nov three Amos ane-five Ps 107 WLS II, 706-710
Nov iv Amos 6-nine Ps 108 WLS Two, 711-715
Nov five Obadiah; Jonah Ps 109 WLS 2, 716-720
November half-dozen Micah 1-4 Ps 110 WLS Ii, 721-725
Nov seven Micah 5-7 Ps 111 WLS II, 726-730
Nov eight Nahum; Hab Ps 112 WLS Two, 731-735
Nov 9 Zephaniah Ps 113 WLS Two, 736-740
Nov 10 one Peter Ps 114 WLS Ii, 741
Nov 11 1 John 1-3 Ps 115 LC I
November 12 one John iv,5 Ps 116 LC II
Nov 13 Jas Ps 117 LC III-IV
November 14 Ezr i-6 Ps 118 LC V-Six
Nov 15 Ezr 7-ten Hag Ps 119:1-88 FC 1
November xvi Neh 1-6 Zec 1-v Ps 119:89-176 FC 2
Nov 17 Neh vii-thirteen Zec half dozen-10 Ps 120 FC three
Nov eighteen Est 1-5 Zec eleven-14 Ps 121 FC iv
Nov 19 Est 6-10 Est 1-5 Ps 122 FC 5
November 20 Hag Est 6-10 Ps 123 FC six
Nov 21 Zec ane-5 Ez vii-10 Ps 124 FC 7
Nov 22 Zec 6-ten Neh i-6 Ps 125 FC 8
Nov 23 Zec 11-14 Neh7-11 Ps 126 FC nine,10
Nov 24 Malachi Ps 127 FC 11
Nov 25 Revelation 1-3 Ps 128 FC 12
Nov 26 Revelation 4-6 Ps 129 FC Review
Nov 27 Thanksgiving
Nov 28 Revelation 7-eleven Ps 130
November 29 Revelation 12-14 Ps 131
Nov thirty Revelation 15-18 Ps 132


Date Bible Reading I Bible Reading Ii Aux. Reading Prayers for the Church (Festivals) Personal Prayers (Birthdays, Anniv.)
Dec 1 Revelation 19-21 Ps 133
Dec two Ecclesiastes 1-three Ps 134
Dec iii Ecclesiastes 4-6 Ps 135
Dec iv Ecclesiastes 7-9 Ps 136
Dec v Ecclesiastes x-12 Ps 137
Dec 6 Song of Songs i-four Ps 138
December 7 Song of Songs 5-eight Ps 139
Dec eight Colossians
Dec 9 Off
December ten Off
Dec xi Off
Dec 12 Off
December 13 Off
December 14 Off
December 15 Off
Dec 16 Off
December 17 Off
Dec 18 Luke 1 Ps 140
Dec nineteen Luke 2a Ps 141
Dec xx Luke 2b Ps 142
December 21 Luke 3-five Ps 143
Dec 22 Luke 6,7 Ps 144
December 23 Luke 8,9 Ps 145
December 24 Luke 10,11 Ps 146
Dec 25 Christmas
Dec 26 Luke 12-14 Ps 147
Dec 27 Luke fifteen-17 Ps 148
December 28 Luke 18-20 Ps 149
Dec 29 Luke 21,22 Ps 150
Dec 30 Luke 23,24
December 31 New year's Eve


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